Friday, February 29, 2008


If you've ever vacuumed your entire house using a Sear's shop might be a redneck.

Hey, at least I can say that I've never tack-welded two trailers together and called it my double-wide. Nope - that would be our ex-neighbors back in Sparty, the black sheep of the neighborhood! I'll never forget one of the first times my parents came out to that house. We had laying chickens at the time and one of them wandered down the road and into their yard. Their oldest son, brought it back over...I swear, he looked like something out of the movie 'Deliverance!' We didn't know whether to oink or thank him for rescuing our chicken. You should have seen the look on my parents' faces! There was always something fun and exciting going on back at that place. (Oh, and yes, I did vacuum my entire house with a shop vac today!)

So, I get a call from an ex-coworker today about a project I'm helping a friend with. We hang up the phone and then I decide I'd better jot down his number for future reference. I scroll through the caller ID, find his #, and begin writing down his info on our phone list which is on the fridge. Gabriella was behind me the whole time, and while I'm writing, I hear her run into the living room and back. Didn't think much of it. I put the pen away, hang up the phone, and turn around, only to find black crayon all over my cupboards (photo was emailed to you, since I have been unable to upload images to my post today). I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...I still don't. I haven't told Charlie yet, but I figure, hey - it will be a nice surprise for him when he gets home!


Alternative Reality said...

The photos -- priceless! Sorry sister, but I laughed so hard! I love that little girl!
Oh, and what are you called if you've ever vacuumed an entire floor (wood) with a dust-y buster? Not my method, but it has happened...

Anonymous said...

Jen, your blog is freaking' hilarious! I think I'll check back often just to brighten my day. I think the biggest irony is that you love being a homemaker, but you're busier and work harder than any employee! Ah, the pics were great. How do you punish your kids when they're that cute and innocent looking? Anyway, my mom swears by pine-sol for just about everything- maybe that could help. Keep 'em coming!