Monday, April 28, 2008

Cute comments

I got a kick and a boost of confidence out of the following comments that my sister, LeAnne, and Mom left on my last blog post (Cease, fire, cease!!):

cookie725 said...
The best part about this story, is as it was happening, she calls me... When I got on the phone, Jen is in one of those giggle fits that are SO cute and contagous -- but manages to get out "So, I think the fire department is on the way to my house!" *more giggles* Life IS always interesting, and I have great little stories like this to not only make me laugh, but make my day as well. Jen, I love the hell outta you!!
April 24, 2008 12:22 PM

mar5128 said...
I can just see you running through the house, over Aiden, looking out the windows, checking everything out, yet basically tiptoe-ing because the Gabbers is dozing. Then, after reading LeAnne's comment, I can just hear the giggles!!!!! You always did have the best laugh. So.....when are you going to take my suggestion & WRITE A BOOK????!!!!???? I love you, Jen
April 25, 2008 5:20 AM

cookie725 said...
Ah Jen, you really do have the best laugh -- it's like therapy!!! :)
April 25, 2008 5:42 AM

Thank you, ladies! That was really very sweet and made me feel really good.

Write a book? Hmmm....

My mom has been after me since I can remember to write a book. Problem is, I've started a few, gotten partially through the first quarter of it, then lost interest and tossed it aside. What would I even write about? What do I know well enough to put pen to paper and be confident enough that people would buy my book and read it? I like to write about things I know, because it is much easier to, in fact, write and get my point across clearly.

So when am I going to take the advice/suggestion? Already have. Baby steps, though...


Alternative Reality said...

Well, we do love you lots you know! I recall you writing a story/script once. I believe the title was "One Sweet Day." And it was incredible!!! Writing a book is a fabulous idea for you. As you said, baby steps! I look forward to it. And hey, baby steps are better than no steps!!! Love ya sistro!

mar5128 said...

One Sweet Day is a GREAT title. Go with it!!! Like I said - you & LeAnne can coberate (sp?) on it. Maybe you can write & LeAnne can illustrate?? Exceptional idea ladies.

I love you

Jess said...

I know how that goes...I have probably a dozen stories started from high school until the present that lie unfinished and for the same reason as you...I just lose interest. I do find time to time that I pick them up again, add a few more chapters and then once again put them aside. Or I start a whole new one! While singing is my love now, writing was long before all the way back to elementary school. Seems always easier to say the things you really mean when you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). If you ever do decide to write the great American novel, I'll definitely pick it up...or I'd expect an autographed copy!

Jess said...

I meant to add this before...but why not about your adventures as a mommy and wife? What you write here is always entertaining or poignant. I've always heard "Write what you know". Maybe your home and family would be just the ticket?

mar5128 said...

You could write a book like what Jess said "Write what you know". Your blogs would make a GREAT start!!!

Jenifer Williams said...

Great idea as far as using my blog as a platform...if I can get some time and organize all my thoughts and experiences, I just might do that! Thanks Jess!!!

Stina's Stylings said...


Check out this blog - this mom of SIX has actually turned her life and entertaining stories into a book.

Ok - back to work I go